Approx. 13mins.
Speaker: Alex McCraney | FCA Staff
In this message, Alex encourages and equips women to live with prayer, purpose, and presence by sharing principles from how God worked in creation for our salvation. She teaches us that His work pattern can become ours as we work in the callings He entrusted us.
Approx. 16mins.
Speaker: Amy Richards | FCA EVP of Marketing & Communications
How can we move from being overwhelmed by the world's expectations and promises to being filled with all joy and peace so that we may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit? Please join Amy as she takes us through all four key aspects of the 2024 24/7 theme: reset, renew, refuel, and ready!
Approx. 8mins.
Speaker: Jada Coggins | Former Basketball Player & Mentor to Athletes
Jada speaks about igniting a sense of self-worth within each athlete. She hopes to provide each person with examples of core values such as hard work, respect, sportsmanship, and teamwork. Jada helps shape athletes mentally while empowering them for the next steps by developing instincts, building self-awareness, promoting self-confidence, increasing internal strength, maturing weaknesses, and emphasizing overall growth of mind, body, and soul.
Mindy Hopman
Sarah Roberts